Depression is a popular mental health problem which induces changes in mood and loss of pleasure and interest. There are various proficient means of treating depression, one of which is music therapy.
Music therapy is an intervention that requires frequent meetings with a professional music therapist. During such meetings, the depressed individual is aided to improve his or her mood via emotional expression.
Since the beginning of time, music has been proficient in providing healing to the body and soul. People who find it herculean to express themselves in words, have been provided solace with music therapy.
It would interest you to know that the Greek Philosophers utilized music for therapeutic purposes. People who had depression were encouraged to listen to dulcimer hymns in order to improve their mood.
During music therapy, depressed people are always encouraged to either listen to, or create music. Undertaking any of these acts helps the depressed persons to express themselves in nonverbal means.
The mix of rhythm, harmony and melody stimulates the senses of the individual and induces calmness by reducing their heart and breath rate, alongside other bodily functions. When music therapy is combined with talk therapy, it is a good way of boosting the levels of the happy hormone, dopamine.
The type of music used during music therapy is most times, tailored to the needs of the individual. Usually, you will see instances where there are many combinations of music.
Music therapy can either be active or passive. For active music therapy, the individual and the therapist work on composing music with the voice and instrument.
Through this means, the individual is motivated to share feelings and thoughts that would form the composition. This helps to give the individual insight into his or her issues.
For passive music therapy, the individual listens to music while drawing, meditating or doing any reflective activity. Then, the individual and the therapist discuss the emotions, memories or feelings that the music evoked.
Having read all music therapy does for depression, if you are depressed, it is best to talk to your health provider for help. You could also suggest music therapy as your means of treatment if it is challenging for you to verbalize how you feel.